Join the barefoot tribe

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Barefoot tribe

Practicing in a solitary way makes me treasure connections to like minded people via the internet, for me Twitter has been a place where I have connected to some people that have become very important to me in terms of my spiritual development.  In fact it was a connection made through Twitter that first helped me understand my spirituality & set me on my Pagan path.  It was the natural connections I made once my heart was open that led me to understand my soul's purpose & set me on a 'hedgewitch' path.

One thing that is a huge blessing is my connection to Jackie & Jason of Essence of Wild.  I was fortunate to be able to meet up with Jason at a time when I needed a little guidance & reassurance & I feel his spirit walking with me strongly.  I have yet to meet Jackie in person, but I feel almost as though I don't need to, her loving, nurturing aura touches me regardless of the physical distance between us.  I can't wait for my Essence of Wild newsletters to come pinging into my inbox, each one is my little sanctuary of inspiration, learning, healing & connection.

The Solstice newsletter brought with it an invitation to join the Barefoot Tribe, to kick off my shoes & connect more deeply to the Earth.  Being a bit of a hippy, unless I'm in my trusty wellies, I regularly walk barefoot.  But this was perfectly timed.  I had undergone an operation & was in need of some support in my healing.  I kicked off my sandals, lit some incense & settled beneath my beautiful holly tree for a barefoot meditation.

I concentrated on my breath & felt the familiar peace of meditation flood through me.  My dogs felt it too & came & cuddled against me interrupting the stillness, but they felt my need for quietness & went & found shady corners of the garden to dose in. The grass beneath my bare feet that at first felt prickly, became a soft, supportive carpet beneath me, the sun's heat warmed me to my core & with my eyes closed & palms turned towards the sky my brow chakra became open.  At first the Earth's energies travelled through my bare feet & lifted my face towards the Sun.  Still with my eyes closed I began to see my landscape instinctively.  I saw my holly tree by it's protective energy, I saw each bird around me by it's pretty heart song, I sensed every beautiful flower in my garden & the life forms around me.  I felt uplifted & free.  As love poured into my heart, so I poured love out to the skies, to the Goddess.  Even in this peaceful connection I could feel a sense of the pain of the Goddess, the pain of all the harm we are doing to our beautiful planet. After a time, I gently turned my inner focus away from the skies, placed my palms face down on the grass & let my base chakra gently open to receive healing from my Mother the Earth. Earth energy flowed through me, roots grew from my feet & took me further down into the heart of my Mother.  My body began to slowly curl downwards towards the earth.  I felt that Mother Earth was taking me into her own womb to offer me healing.  I sent waves of love & gratitude & let myself sink further downwards into her arms.  I had the sense that as well as offering me healing, my Mother was accepting my soul seed into her heart & that each time I returned to this meditation she would help me to grow spiritually.

When I was ready to gently come out of my meditation I was surprised, as I always am, by the things I had seen & felt.  I'm still new to these experiences, I have no preconceptions or expectations when I begin a meditation or cast a magic circle.  That's why I know the things I feel to be true.  Gradually I'm becoming more confident & less awkward about sharing them.

After my meditation I took time to walk barefoot around my little garden, giving thanks for the beautiful things   around me.

My hug from my Mother the Earth was like a healing hug from my beloved birth mother. <3 <3 <3

Friday, 24 June 2011

My heart flower

At the time of May's Full Moon beautiful Jackie at Essence of Wild invited subscribers to the Essence of Wild newsletter to open their hearts to the heart healing of a flower.  It felt very apt as at that time a particular rose in my garden had been calling to me.  I had felt compelled to collect her petals for drying as each bloom began to fade.  As I connected more deeply to my beautiful rose I understood what she was trying to give to me.  A few things were difficult in my life at the time, things that I'd had to be a little tough to cope with.  The rose invited me to dive deep into her heart & as she wrapped me in her petals I felt her softness begin to take away the jagged edges I'd built around myself as part of my coping mechanism.  My heart chakra felt restored.  I felt strengthened.  My rose told me never to regard my natural soft heartedness as weakness.

I've always very much been an animal person, but just recently my senses have become more & more aware of plants & their incredible healing power.  As a consequence I have felt more balanced & therefore more at peace with myself.  I spend more time really looking at plants & trees, seeing the way they blossom, fruit & seed.  Running my fingers through grass, leaves & petals & absorbing their wonderful energies.  Leaning my forehead against a tree or full on hugging one like a dear friend.  I've started to open to their spirit & I hope that soon, with practice & a little meditation I will be able to connect as easily to plants as I do to animals.

Very special thanks to Jackie & Jason at Essence of Wild, Hen at Heart & Soil, Caroline at Emotionalhealing4animals & Victoria at Scrummycupcake's Blog for starting me on my journey with aromatherapy & plant/flower healing.  xxx

A new home....

Since finding my path such a  lot has changed within me & in my way of thinking, loving & living that I've moved away from my Completely Quackers blog & set up home here.  I've lots to learn & I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you......